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Item S-102: Complete Guitar Chord Chart on a SINGLE SCREEN. Zoom In or Out Like a Google Map. Comes with FREE Musical Instruments Poster (S-120). World's ONLY Complete Guitar Chord Chart. Printable. - Roedy Black
Item S-102: Complete Guitar Chord Chart on a SINGLE SCREEN. Zoom In or Out Like a Google Map. Comes with FREE Musical Instruments Poster (S-120). World's ONLY Complete Guitar Chord Chart. Printable. - Roedy Black Full view of complete guitar chords pdf chart. Views of complete guitar chords pdf chart on phone, tablet and laptop. Close-up of top section of complete guitar chords pdf chart on phone screen. Close-up of complete guitar chords pdf chart on a tablet screen. Close-up of top section of complete guitar chords pdf chart on a tablet screen. Close-up of complete guitar chords pdf chart on a laptop computer screen. Close-up of top section of complete guitar chords pdf chart on a laptop computer screen. Item S-102: Complete Guitar Chord Chart on a SINGLE SCREEN. Zoom In or Out Like a Google Map. Comes with FREE Musical Instruments Poster (S-120). World's ONLY Complete Guitar Chord Chart. Printable. - Roedy Black Item S-102: Complete Guitar Chord Chart on a SINGLE SCREEN. Zoom In or Out Like a Google Map. Comes with FREE Musical Instruments Poster (S-120). World's ONLY Complete Guitar Chord Chart. Printable. - Roedy Black

Item S-102: Complete Guitar Chord Chart on a SINGLE SCREEN. Zoom In or Out Like a Google Map. Comes with FREE Musical Instruments Poster (S-120). World's ONLY Complete Guitar Chord Chart. Printable.

  • $6.00

(Click on DISCOUNTS tab for better pricing.)

Enjoy Easy Access to EVERY Guitar Chord in Every Key on a SINGLE Screen or Wall Poster.
NO Searching, Swiping, Tapping, Clicking, or Entering Data.

Just zoom in to see any guitar chord in detail; zoom out to see the big picture—exactly like a Google map.


About the Complete Guitar Chord Poster, PDF Edition
(Also Available as a Laminated Wall Chart, 38" x 27")


For Guitar Players at All Levels

The Complete Guitar Chord Poster is a large, high-resolution PDF that shows the fingering positions of every guitar chord in standard tuning, including the inversions. Players at all levels, from beginner to advanced, can take advantage of this poster’s various features.

(Moreover, with today's technology, all guitar chord charts are easily printable. You can search for guitar chord charts on numerous guitar websites using keywords such as:

  • guitar chords pdf
  • guitar chords chart with fingers pdf
  • guitar chords with pictures of hands
  • guitar chords chart complete
  • guitar chords for beginners pdf

These search terms will help you quickly find the specific type of chord chart you need. There are many more guitar chords to learn, but these resources cover the basics and are ideal for beginners looking to get started.)

 •  Beginners—The chart shows the fingering positions for the simple, basic chords in all major and minor keys. The poster also includes major scales for each key.

 •  Intermediate-level players—As you move from left to right across the poster, the chords become progressively more extended. This enables you to learn new, unusual chords and chord inversions at your own pace, without losing track of your progress. Color bands identify the chords in each key. This makes it possible to quickly transpose the chords of a song from the original key to any other key.

 •  Advanced players—Even expert players usually don’t have all chords in all keys memorized. The right side of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster shows the fingering positions of extended jazz chords such as 11ths and 13ths, organized so that you can find any chord fingering position in any key at a glance.

How to Read the Chord Diagrams

If you’re unsure of the meaning of any of the numbers and symbols on the Complete Guitar Chord Poster, refer to this example:


Color Bands, Keys, and Transposing

All chords and chord progressions in the same key are located in the same horizontal color band. For example, all chords in the key of F are located in the orange band; all chords in the key of A-Flat are located in the green band.

Key-specific color bands make it visually easy to transpose the chords from one key to another. Suppose, for example, that the chords of a given song are in the key of D major. The chords are as follows:

D, Bm, F#7, Dm7, and A7.

And suppose you would like to transpose these chords to the key of G major. Here’s how:

 •  The red horizontal bar contains all the chords in the key of D:

     D, G, A7, Bm, Em, F#7, Dm, D6, Dm6, D7, DM7, Dm7, etc.

 •  The grey horizontal bar contains all the chords in the key of G:

     G, C, D7, Em, Am, B7, Gm, G6, Gm6, G7, GM7, Gm7, etc.

 •  So, wherever any chord appears in the red bar (key of D), just play whichever chord appears in the same column in the grey bar (key of G).

Here's the original chord sequence in the key of D, followed by transposed chords in the key of G:

 •  Chords in original key (key of D, red bar):

     D, Bm, F#7, Dm7, A7

 •  Chords in transposed key (key of G, grey bar):

     G, Em, B7, Gm7, D7


36 Chord Types

The Complete Guitar Chord Poster shows several fingering positions for each of 36 chord types in each key. The chords are arranged in logical order across the poster. The simplest chords are on the left side. The jazziest (most extended) chords are on the right side.

Here’s a list of the 36 chord types:

 •  Major
 •  Minor
 •  6th
 •  Minor 6th
 •  Dominant 7th
 •  Major 7th
 •  Minor 7th
 •  9th
 •  Diminished
 •  Augmented
 •  Suspended 2nd
 •  7th, Suspended 2nd
 •  Suspended 4th
 •  7th, Suspended 4th
 •  5th
 •  Diminished 5th
 •  7th, Diminished 5th
 •  Minor 7th, Diminished 5th
 •  7th, Augmented 5th
 •  7th, Minor 9th
 •  7th, Augmented 9th
 •  7th, Minor 9th, Augmented 5th
 •  7/6
 •  9th, Diminished 5th
 •  9th, Augmented 5th
 •  Major 9th
 •  Minor 9th
 •  9/6
 •  Minor 9/6
 •  Added 9th
 •  11th
 •  Minor 11th
 •  Augmented 11th
 •  13th
 •  13th, Minor 9th
 •  13th, Minor 9th, Diminished 5th

Major and Minor Chord Progressions

On the left side of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster is a special section called “Principal Chords/Relative Minor.” This section shows the fundamental chord types (each with four different fingering positions) that comprise the basic major and minor chord progressions in each key. For example, in the key of C, these chords are:

 •  C Major    (I-chord)
 •  F Major    (IV-chord)
 •  G7    (V7-chord)
 •  A minor    (VIm-chord)
 •  D minor    (IIm-chord)
 •  E7     (III7-chord)

This section is especially useful when writing songs and working out chord progressions.

For more information on chord progressions and how they work, see Chapter 6 of How Music REALLY Works!, 2nd Edition, available at

Notes and Scale Positions

Immediately below each chord diagram on the Complete Guitar Chord Poster, you will find two rows of letters and numbers. These are the notes and the scale positions of the notes that make up each chord and each inversion.

Major Scales: Fingerboard and Treble Clef Staff Locations

The left and right margins of the poster contain fingerboard diagrams of all 12 major diatonic scales. Each fingerboard diagram shows the name of each scale note.

Below each fingerboard diagram is a treble clef staff showing the location of each note of the scale on the staff. (Guitar notes actually sound an octave lower than they appear on the treble clef staff.)

Twins: the Complete Guitar Chord Poster and the Complete Keyboard Chord Poster

The Complete Keyboard Chord Poster (available at this website) is the twin of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster. The two charts match each other in content, size, and layout.

The same information is located in the same places on each chart. If you play guitar but not keyboard, or vice-versa, you can learn to play the same chords on the other instrument, using the twin chart.

Product Details

Electronic Poster, High Resolution File Type: PDF File Size: 142 MB Publisher: Roedy Black Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1-897311-13-4
ISBN-10: 1-897311-13-3

Electronic Poster, Mobile File Type: PDF File Sizes, Mobile: 4 MB; 11 MB Publisher: Roedy Black Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1-897311-14-1
ISBN-10: 1-897311-14-1


Free Download Protection

All of our e-posters, e-charts, and e-books come with free lifetime download protection. For example, if you forget to back up your files, or if the device hosting your files gets stolen or lost, we will cheerfully replace the files you purchased from us, free of charge.

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