Item S-101: Complete Guitar Chord Poster, LAMINATED Wall Chart. Shows Every Guitar Chord in Every Key. Comes with FREE PDF Version (S-102), FREE LAMINATED Guitar Chord Progression Chart (S-114), & FREE SHIPPING.
- $49.00 $49.00
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Enjoy Effortless Access to Every Guitar Chord in Every Key:
See Them All on Your Wall!
PDF Version of the Same Poster in High Resolution for Smartphone or Computer (Item S-102, $6 value)
Chord Progression Chart, Laminated Reference Chart, Music Stand Size (Item S-114, $9 value)
About the Complete Guitar Chord Poster, Laminated Reference Wall Chart
For Guitar Players at All Levels
The Complete Guitar Chord Poster is a large, high-resolution watercolor laminated wall poster that shows the fingering positions of every guitar chord in standard tuning, including the inversions. Players at all levels, from beginner to advanced, can take advantage of this poster’s various features.
• Beginners—The chart shows the fingering positions for the simple, basic chords in all major and minor keys. The poster also includes major scales for each key.
• Intermediate-level players—As you move from left to right across the poster, the chords become progressively more extended. This enables you to learn new, unusual chords and chord inversions at your own pace, without losing track of your progress. Color bands identify the chords in each key. This makes it possible to quickly transpose the chords of a song from the original key to any other key.
• Advanced players—Even expert players usually don’t have all chords in all keys memorized. The right side of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster shows the fingering positions of extended jazz chords such as 11ths and 13ths, organized so that you can find any chord fingering position in any key at a glance.
How to Read the Chord Diagrams
If you’re unsure of the meaning of any of the numbers and symbols on the Complete Guitar Chord Poster, refer to this example:
Color Bands, Keys, and Transposing
All chords and chord progressions in the same key are located in the same horizontal color band. For example, all chords in the key of F are located in the orange band; all chords in the key of A-Flat are located in the green band.
Key-specific color bands make it visually easy to transpose the chords from one key to another. Suppose, for example, that the chords of a given song are in the key of D major. The chords are as follows:
D, Bm, F#7, Dm7, and A7.
And suppose you would like to transpose these chords to the key of G major. Here’s how:
• The red horizontal bar contains all the chords in the key of D:
D, G, A7, Bm, Em, F#7, Dm, D6, Dm6, D7, DM7, Dm7, etc.
• The grey horizontal bar contains all the chords in the key of G:
G, C, D7, Em, Am, B7, Gm, G6, Gm6, G7, GM7, Gm7, etc.
• So, wherever any chord appears in the red bar (key of D), just play whichever chord appears in the same column in the grey bar (key of G).
Here's the original chord sequence in the key of D, followed by transposed chords in the key of G:
• Chords in original key (key of D, red bar):
D, Bm, F#7, Dm7, A7
• Chords in transposed key (key of G, grey bar):
G, Em, B7, Gm7, D7
36 Chord Types
The Complete Guitar Chord Poster shows several fingering positions for each of 36 chord types in each key. The chords are arranged in logical order across the poster. The simplest chords are on the left side. The jazziest (most extended) chords are on the right side.
Here’s a list of the 36 chord types:
• Major
• Minor
• 6th
• Minor 6th
• Dominant 7th
• Major 7th
• Minor 7th
• 9th
• Diminished
• Augmented
• Suspended 2nd
• 7th, Suspended 2nd
• Suspended 4th
• 7th, Suspended 4th
• 5th
• Diminished 5th
• 7th, Diminished 5th
• Minor 7th, Diminished 5th
• 7th, Augmented 5th
• 7th, Minor 9th
• 7th, Augmented 9th
• 7th, Minor 9th, Augmented 5th
• 7/6
• 9th, Diminished 5th
• 9th, Augmented 5th
• Major 9th
• Minor 9th
• 9/6
• Minor 9/6
• Added 9th
• 11th
• Minor 11th
• Augmented 11th
• 13th
• 13th, Minor 9th
• 13th, Minor 9th, Diminished 5th
Major and Minor Chord Progressions
On the left side of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster is a special section called “Principal Chords/Relative Minor.” This section shows the fundamental chord types (each with four different fingering positions) that comprise the basic major and minor chord progressions in each key. For example, in the key of C, these chords are:
• C Major (I-chord)
• F Major (IV-chord)
• G7 (V7-chord)
• A minor (VIm-chord)
• D minor (IIm-chord)
• E7 (III7-chord)
This section is especially useful when writing songs and working out chord progressions.
For more information on chord progressions and how they work, see Chapter 6 of How Music REALLY Works!, 2nd Edition, available at
Notes and Scale Positions
Immediately below each chord diagram on the Complete Guitar Chord Poster, you will find two rows of letters and numbers. These are the notes and the scale positions of the notes that make up each chord and each inversion.
Major Scales: Fingerboard and Treble Clef Staff Locations
The left and right margins of the poster contain fingerboard diagrams of all 12 major diatonic scales. Each fingerboard diagram shows the name of each scale note.
Below each fingerboard diagram is a treble clef staff showing the location of each note of the scale on the staff. (Guitar notes actually sound an octave lower than they appear on the treble clef staff.)
Twins: the Complete Guitar Chord Poster and the Complete Keyboard Chord Poster
The Complete Keyboard Chord Poster (available at this website) is the twin of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster. The two charts match each other in content, size, and layout.
The same information is located in the same places on each chart. If you play guitar but not keyboard, or vice-versa, you can learn to play the same chords on the other instrument, using the twin chart.
Product Details
Reference Wall Poster Publisher: Roedy Black Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1-897311-10-3ISBN-10: 1-897311-10-9 Poster Dimensions: 38.5" x 27" (98 cm x 68 cm) Finish: Laminated, both sides
Get this laminated poster at a discount in these bundles:
B-201: TWO Complete Guitar Chord Posters, Laminated Reference Wall Charts (2 items)
B-202: THREE Complete Guitar Chord Posters, Laminated Reference Wall Charts (3 items)
B-424: Laminated Wall Posters - Guitar Chords, Scales, Chord Progressions (4 items)
B-428: How Music REALLY Works! Print Book + Laminated Wall Posters - Guitar, Scales, Progressions (6 items)
B-438: Laminated Wall Posters - Complete Guitar Chords, Keyboard Chords, Scales (3 items)
B-439: Laminated Wall Posters - Guitar, Keyboard, Progressions (4 items)
B-444: Laminated Wall Posters - Guitar, Keyboard, Scales, Progressions, Musical Instruments (6 items)
B-445: How Music REALLY Works! Print Book + Laminated Wall Posters - Guitar, Keyboard, Scales, Progressions (7 items)
B-861: Laminated Wall Posters, E-Posters, E-Books - Complete Guitar Chords, Complete Keyboard Chords, Chord Progressions (12 items)
B-880: How Music REALLY Works! Print Book + E-Book, Laminated Wall Posters, E-Posters and Printable E-Books - Guitar Chords, Keyboard Chords, Scales, Chord Progressions (21 items)
Reviews of the Complete Guitar Chord Poster
If your guitar-player friend or lover or relative needs to class up a practice space, here's a colorful...useful item for the wall. It's a large, full-color poster that contains—yes, you heard it here—a chart of every chord on the guitar....This clever poster is beautiful, plus it does things like color-coding the chords in a particular key, so it can be used for transposition....It's useful in place of looking up a chord in a chord dictionary, and I don't doubt it will be useful in instructional a way to see the forest and the individual trees. This tubed color poster will nag you into learning and experimenting with chords.—Dan Crary, Frets Magazine ("Recommended Gifts for Guitar Players"),
I just bought the Complete Guitar Chord Poster on PDF. It is a fabulous visualization tool, well done. Edward Tufte would be proud.
—Steven Lekousi, Harvard University
Over the years, I have received numerous music-related gifts of one kind or another, but this great chart ranks right up there at the top. It's simply wonderful.
—Christie Slavin, Portland, OR
The best part of the guitar chord chart is the chord progressions ... it really helps with my songwriting.
—Bill Stern, Killeen, TX
For me, I like being able to skip from playing a pretty easy chord like a minor 7th, than zipping over to an 11th or 13th without losing track of what I'm doing. You can't do that with a chord book, but you sure can with the [Complete Guitar Chord] chart!"
—Francine Perreault, Montreal, PQ These charts are fantastic. I don't read music, so I use the [Complete Guitar Chord] poster like it's my guitar 'Bible.' Good thing it's laminated ... I even roll it up and take it to band practices.
—C. L. Hunt, Paterson, NJ
I used to use a chord book but could never make much sense of how chords work. So this poster is a godsend, it's magnificent. Thanks!
—C. Matthewson, Ogdensburg, NY
When I first saw this [Complete Guitar Chord] poster, I just burst out laughing. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. All those chords, all together like that, and so ingeniously organized, it's just stunning. I bought three of them ... for me and the others in the band. Somebody came up with a truly brilliant idea here.
—Alexis Hill, London, England I've made incredible breakthroughs with my playing—for me at least—since my girlfriend got me the Complete Guitar Chord Poster ... I play with way more confidence now.
—E. Doug Harris, Dartmouth, NS
My Dad got me the guitar chord poster for Christmas. When I first saw it, I kind of thought, wow! it's kind of overwhelming, because I was just a beginner. But now that I've been using it for almost six months, I'm making so much progress that I've started writing my own songs. I showed [the poster] to my guitar teacher and she got one for herself.
—Marnie McCallum, Jackson, TN I'm 50 years old and I'm finally becoming a real proficient guitar player with this poster ... The other band members can't believe it!
—John Suggitt, Kamloops, BC I've played guitar for 10 years and didn't realize how the chords I was playing relate to each other. Well, this [Complete Guitar Chord] poster makes the whole thing clear as a bell.
—P. H. Schroeder, Stockton, CA
It's nice to see some theory here. I know you people probably aim your charts at players that don't read much music, but there's stuff here that I can use. I'm getting more interested in the whole music-reading thing.
—Barry C. O'Connor, Manchester, England I've never wanted anything to do with reading music. I can't be bothered. This [Complete Guitar Chord] poster is all I need ... You can play anything with it, even the impossible chords.
—W. Lei, Vancouver, BC I play and teach mostly jazz. My wife bought me the Guitar Chord Poster and it looks so attractive and colorful that I had it framed and hung it in my office.
—Rob Blanco, New York, NY I've never had a guitar lesson, completely self-taught. With this chart, I don't think I'll need any lessons, either. It has pretty much everything you need.
—Klaus Dietrich, Bonn, Germany