Item S-112: Guitar & Keyboard Scales in Printable eBook Format, 2nd Edition. High Resolution. FREE Download Protection.
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About the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster in Printable PDF eBook Format, 2nd Edition
(Also Available as a Laminated Wall Chart, 19" x 27")
The Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster in Printable eBook Format is the eBook version of our large, high-resolution watercolor laminated wall poster.
You can print this file on either American letter size paper (8½” by 11”) or ISO A4 paper, then three-hole punch the pages and put them in a small binder to create a print copy of the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster in book form. The pages are arranged such that you can print it either one-sided or two-sided with equally good results.
In this Second Edition:
• The graphics are sharper and clearer than in the First Edition.
• On each page, red tabs are located on the borders of the main image that show the page numbers of adjacent sections of the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster, functioning much as they do in a map book or road atlas. These locator tabs are linked to the indicated adjacent pages.
• On p. xvi, there is a master Locator Map with links to all 20 sections of the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster. This feature enables you to access any section with a single click or tap.
Free Download Protection
All of our e-posters, e-charts, and e-books come with free lifetime download protection. For example, if you forget to back up your files, or if the device hosting your files gets stolen or lost, we will cheerfully replace the files you purchased from us, free of charge.
Product Details
E-Book Publisher: Roedy Black Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1-897311-35-6ISBN-10: 1-897311-35-4 File Type: PDF File Size: 84 MB
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Reviews of the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster
What I appreciate having [on the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster] is the guitar and piano scales right next to each other. This has made it a breeze to teach my band members new arrangements ... So I can go to the piano and pick out the same melodies I used to know only on guitar, and have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing on the piano, even though I'm a guitar player.
—Dan Eldridge, Ottawa, ON
My wife bought me the Guitar and Keyboard Scales Poster, and now I can't stay away from it for long. It got me out of a rut in my guitar playing, and I'm moving over to try out [playing scales] on her piano.
—Jack Lazic, Chicago, IL
As a bass player, I have found this chart [Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster] very helpful.
—Henry Priddle, Jacksonville, Fl
How scales are associated and connected, that's what I've always wondered. With the Guitar and Keyboard Scales Poster, it's making sense at last.
—D. Redman, Port Hope, ON