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Reviews and Product Details: Roedy Black's Complete Keyboard Chord Poster


Product Details

   •  E-poster PDF
   •  E-book
   •  Laminated Wall Chart


I teach piano and organ, and I can tell you, these Roedy Black charts are indispensable ... I use them every day in my teaching, and I urge my students to get their own copies.

—K. Maharaj, Detroit, MI

Intervals used to stump me. Thanks to the [Complete Keyboard Chord] chart, I understand how they pertain to the structure of chords ... Altered chords intrigue me, so I'm working my way through them ... This poster is head and shoulders above any other music reference I've come across.
—Chris W. Lawson, Los Angeles, CA

I'm going through my fake books and transposing the chords to keys I can sing with. I'm usually pretty lazy about musical chores like this, but the [Complete Keyboard Chord] chart makes it so easy!
—Clair Wang, Peterborough, ON

I didn't understand much about inversions till I started using the Complete Keyboard Chord Poster.

—Peter Minish, Tulsa, OK

I've paid a lot of money for chord books, and none of them have half the stuff that this chart has.
—Rick G. Fenske, Winnipeg, MB

Although I'm good at reading music, I still find the keyboard poster really useful. I use it to take shortcuts to find and learn the notes to complicated chords. This is a real treasure ... I had no idea that some of these chords were even possible, but to see the structure of them laid out so clear, that's what I find so good about it.
—Sherry Yates, Saskatoon, SK

Never seen anything like it. I used to look up chords at web sites, but that was always a pain. If you don't happen to be in a room with a computer connected to the web, you're screwed. So this chart is practical. It looks great too, by the way.
—B. Kucheran, Madison, WI

I'm not a musician, but when I saw the Keyboard Chord Poster at a friend's place, I thought it was so beautiful and interesting to look at that I bought one for myself and framed it and put it up in the lobby of our motel. It always draws a crowd!
—Betty Sander, Mississauga, ON

I'm playing chords on the piano [that are] way ahead of what I thought I could play, considering I'm just learning ... It's just a wonderful chart. I'm addicted to it. I like seeing the whole layout at once so I never get lost.
—George Wilson, Swindon, England

The 'rainbow' design, it's beautiful. You don't often see something that's both useful and so beautiful.
—N. L. Critchley, Mansfield, OH

The laminated surface works wonders for me and my students. We use it like a blackboard ... It makes teaching [keyboard] less work and more of a pleasure.
—Julia N. Winkler, Brooklyn, NY

My theory teacher has this chord formula wheel gizmo that I've never liked because I couldn't make heads or tails of it ... The [Keyboard Chord Chart] showed me that chords can be intelligible after all.
—David Nakano, Seattle, WA

User Guide

Complete Keyboard Chord Poster User Guide (PDF)